Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Why Cape Wind should not be possible

Cape Wind’s proposal to construct 130 turbines in the coastal waters off Massachusetts would not have been possible some 20 years ago under Massachusetts state law. Most Cape Wind supporters don’t realize that Nantucket Sound has twice been nominated as a National Marine Ocean Sanctuary, as we designated Cape and Islands State Ocean Sanctuary in the 1970’s.

The designation of state ocean sanctuary ensures that our coastal waters cannot be used for industrial development such as the proposal to place 130 440’ turbines and a 10-story transformer station on Horseshoe Shoal.

In 1986, the Federal Government took back all waters beyond the three mile state limit, and opened the door for Jim Gordon to take public lands for his personal profit.

Why are we willing to sacrifice an area that has already been deemed worthy of protection?

Why is the developer unwilling to move Cape Wind out of Nantucket Sound?

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