Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Governor and staff turn a blind eye to fishermen

In a May 24th interview Ian Bowles, Massachusetts Secretary of Environmental Affairs, stated the following in an interview with NPR regarding commercial fishing in Nantucket Sound:

“All we are talking about is a wire that runs through state waters. There weren’t any fishing impacts found in the state review.”

Apparently Bowles has enough foresight to site Cape Wind as an answer to our energy future, but can’t see past three miles when he looks out into the Sound.

It is a shame that Bowles and his boss Deval don’t give a rats ass about our commercial fishing fleet, or the fishermen and their families.

I’m not surprised.

These are the same guys who are accepting 10 million dollars in mitigation monies from the private developer. Apparently this project is not in the public’s interest as Cape Wind would like us to think...Why else would Jim Gordon be coughing up a nice chunk of change to the state? To fund Deval’s plan for free community college?!?

And we can’t forget those commercials Deval ran this past election…Wind turbines spinning effortlessly in the open water.

Since when is it appropriate to base a political campaign on the ill-conceived Cape Wind proposal?

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